Left margin including indent must be less than the right margin. 含缩进值的左页边距必须小于右页边距。
Surprisingly, last does not force a clear to reposition any elements that follow; it merely sets the right margin to0, which overrides the default right margin of10 pixels in span-n. 令人惊讶的是,last并未明确强制重新配置其后的任何元素;它仅仅将右边距设置为0,这将覆盖span-n中10像素的默认右边距设置。
Opposite horizontal margin constraint. A left float box that has another left float box to its left may not have its right margin edge to the right of the containing block's right padding edge. 对立水平边框限制:如果一个左浮动框的左边还有另一个左浮动框,那么这个左浮动框的右marginedge不能在此包含块的右paddingedge之右。
No overlap constraint. A left float box's right margin edge may not be to the right of any right float box's left margin edge that shares the same horizontal space. 左浮动框的右marginedge不能在任何共享相同水平空间的右浮动框的左marginedge之右。
As mentioned earlier, a div tagged as a span-n spans n columns, floats left, and has a right margin of one gutter width. 如前所述,带span-n标记的div横跨n列,位于左侧,并且右边距为一个分割线宽度。
While the left margin marks only things currently visible in the editor, the right margin shows everything marked in the file. 尽管左侧空白上只标记了目前可以在编辑器中看见的事物,但右侧空白显示了在文件中做了标记的所有事物。
We put the software to the test, with volunteers of all ages and genders, and while there were a few glaring inconsistencies, we were all surprised by how often it calculated the right age within a three-year error margin. 我们找了不同年龄和性别的志愿者用这个软件进行测试,虽然有些明显的矛盾,但是我们都很惊讶它算出来的正确年龄只有3岁范围的误差。
Column number must be between 0 and the right margin. 列号必须在0到右页边距之间。
Increasing right margin causes last column to become too narrow in some sections having unevenly spaced columns. 增加右边距会使具有不等宽栏的节中的最后一栏变得太窄。
Twelfth, some comrades have suggested that the county level might perhaps be given the right to a margin of manoeuvre of 10 per cent. 第十二,有的同志提出,可以不可以允许县一级有百分之十的机动权?
Left margin including indent must be less than the right margin. Children are fascinated by this miniature world. 含缩进值的左页边距必须小于右页边距。孩子们在这个缩小的世界边被迷住。
Draw another line halfway between that line and the right margin. 在这条线和右边距的中间再划一条线。
In word processing, an editing feature in which the system automatically adjusts the right hand margin for insertion or deletion of copy during playback. 字()理技术中的一种编辑特性,在此特性下,系统在副本中插入或删除后,右边自动对齐。
Paragraphs are usually rendered flush left with a ragged right margin. 段落通常情况下会从左侧开始并在右侧留有不规整的空白。
In word processing, the capability to move automatically the last word on a line to a new line if otherwise it would overrun the right margin. 字(词)处理技术中,把一行中要超出右边界的最后一个字自动移到下一行的能力。
The float in the screenshot above has a small right margin. 上面浮动的截图有一个小的右边界。
In typesetting, type that lines up vertically on the left, with a ragged right margin. Recipe names are now in the format+ for more coherence. 在排版印刷技术中,将各行左方页边文字排齐。配方名称的排版现在更加的一致。
It is time that government take some measure to ensure minimum infrastructure support to the farmers to enable their products to reach the market at the right time and they get the margin price. 是政府就此制定措施,给农民提供最低的基础设施保障的时候了,这样才能保证农产品能及时上市,让农民获得更多的收益。
This guide indicates the right margin of the printed page, based on the default printer for your computer. 此参考线指示打印页的右边距,这取决于计算机的默认打印机。
Form: Vertical pair, with left, top& right margin. 形式:直双连,带左、上、右边纸。
Methods The intersection of right posterior axillary line and the third posterior rib as the posterior upper margin of incision and that of the anterior axillary line and the sixth rib as the anterior lower margin, between two points anarc line incision of 6~ 7? 方法取右侧腋后线与第3后肋的交点为后上缘,腋前线与第6肋交点为切口前下缘,在两点间作一长约6~7cm弧形切口。
The developmental pattern of primordia of right and left marginal cirri arc quite similar except that the right margin develops a little earlier. 左、右缘棘毛原基的发育形式相同,但右缘棘毛原基的发育稍早。
According to need of the actuality, our country should establish floating charge in order to perfect guarantee real right system and satisfy need of enterprise's margin. 故我国应该根据现实需要,建立浮动抵押制度,以完善我国的担保制度,为众多企业的融资活动开辟新的途径。
That the left interlobular fissure is situated at the right margin/ right side suggests it be a beaver tail liver. 左叶间裂位于椎体右缘右侧等提示为獭尾肝。
Methods A certain length of lead patch, fixed through fluoroscopy along the right lateral margin of the image intensifier surface was employed as a proportionally marked measurement ruler. 方法将一已知长度的金属铅片在电视透视下沿大视野的右侧缘粘贴固定在影像增强器的表面上,作为测量比例标识尺;
Objective: To investigate the occurrence rate, formation, imaging findings and clinical significance of "Arc sign in right heart margin" in chest DR image, and to enhance the diagnostic capacity of chest DR image. 目的:探讨胸部数字X线图像右心缘弧形征的显示率、形成原因、影像学表现及临床意义,提高胸部数字X线图像对病变的诊断能力。